Friday, October 13, 2006

Learn Forex: Bid and Ask

If you’re familiar with stocks, Bid and Ask are simply Buy and Sell prices.
If you’re not, try to read through below example:

“The current bid/ask price for USD/MYR is 3.7762/3.7765”
-It means that you can sell 1USD for 3.7762MYR or buy 1USD with 3.7765MYR.-
Or another way to look at it is people are willing to buy 1USD at 3.7762MYR and willing to sell 1USD at 3.7765MYR. So, if you want to sell 1USD, you can sell it at 3.7762MYR and if you want to buy 1USD, you can buy it at 3.7765MYR.

Hopefully, you can get what I mean..

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Forex FAQ

1."What is Forex?"
It's Foreign Exchange market which also known as "FX".
2."Foreign Exchange?"
Foreign Exhange is buying one currency while selling other currency simultaneously.
3."How big is this FX Market?"
It's very big! The largest in the world with daily average turnover of 1.9 trillion USD.
4."English please?"
Well. It's big. And it's 24 hrs like some Nasi Kandar Restaurants.
5."Why Forex?"
Want to know the answer? Let's join me in my journey to find out why. I also don't know why yet.